
We have a wonderful, dedicated staff team that support our day service members. The team is led by Samantha Joyce our General Manager. Sam is supported by Tilly Grint who is the Manager for Learning Disabilities and Mental Health and Hayley Howes, our Community Relations Manager.

Within our dementia day service we have five staff, all of whom have worked with people living with dementia for many years, be it within a care home setting or other day services. Liz is our Dementia Lead for The Mabel Rose Day Centre.

Within our Learning Disability and Mental Health day service we have a further five staff, all experienced within their own fields of expertise.

Training and Development

We have a high retention rate for all staff and we ensure they have a regular training programme to keep them abreast of developments within day service requirements. This includes training for health & safety, medical procedures such as epilepsy management, medication management, moving and handling, behaviour management for dementia and data protection. This list is by no means exhaustive.


Food at the Farm…

Our two resident chefs cater for all members and staff on site as well as working off site within the community preparing meals for sheltered housing schemes and lunch clubs. Our healthy menus are planned in advance, taking into consideration locally sourced and seasonal ingredients. We focus on providing healthy, well balanced meals based on traditional values and tastes and are proud to have been awarded a 5 star food hygiene rating for many years now.

Our chefs are also proactive and lead our Buddies Catering Team.